
7 Days!

So the date is set, her birthday will be (unless she decides to come even earlier)...May 6th. I can't believe it is just seven days until we get to meet our baby girl!

I am starting to get a little nervous for the surgery, but I know it's in God's hands, and His alone! Mostly, I am just trying to get everything on my "to do before baby arrives" list done before next Monday, thankfully I've been making good progress so there's not much left.

I can't believe how little she is going to be; from looking at newborn pictures of Jude, other babies, and getting her clothes ready, it's amazing how much they grow in just sixteen months!

Baby Girl, I am so excited to be able to see you in person. I feel like I already know you from you being apart of me for eight months, but I am ecstatic for everyone else to get to meet you; you are wonderfully blessed to already be loved by so many.


Our Precious Baby Girl

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have posted anything (7 months YIKES!), but at the same time these past months have been busy and flown by so quickly.  There are so many things I could share about that have happened: Jude turned 1, Christmas with the family (this included 5 children under 5), Easter, my sister-in-law getting engaged & the wedding preparations there after, the list goes on, but I think I will choose our baby girl.

For whatever reason this pregnancy has gone by way faster than my first, it's already just TWO WEEKS until she arrives!  Since I had a C-Section with Jude we had a choice to make with this one, another C-Section or attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).  After talking to friends, family, doctors, and finding out the statistics we decided that the safest and best option for me AND the baby would be to do another C-Section.  There were many things that went into our decision, but the major factors were safety and the likely hood of a successful VBAC. Looking at the chances of having a successful VBAC, taking into account the reason and situation of my C-Section with Jude, they were very slim and we both hated the idea of me having to go all the way through labor then have a C-Section, let alone if something went wrong. All that to say, that's how we know it's only two weeks until she arrives.

What I really wanted to share was pictures of our precious baby girl. For various reasons I had several more ultrasounds this time around than I did with Jude, so there is a more gradual picture of how she has changed over the past 8 1/2 months.

12  weeks
The thing at the top that looks like it could be her spine is actually the umbilical cord, it even took me several looks to figure that out :).

20 weeks

24 weeks
Sorry I don't have measurements for all of them, but I remember at this one they said she was 1 pound 11 ounces.

35 1/2 weeks
I don't remember how long, but they estimated her weight at 5 pounds 14 ounces (give or take 14 ounces). I would label them on the actual picture but my photo editing skills are not that good, so I will attempt to describe what things are: on the very top there are several circles, those are her fingers, the bumps on her face (going from upper right down) nose, upper lip, tongue, lower lip, chin. I will also point out it probably took 5 minutes to get a picture this clear of her profile, she is quite the little mover (which the ultrasound lady commented on several times, as she was trying to get measurements), which made getting good pictures difficult. 

I always enjoy going to the ultrasounds and seeing my precious children, God has been forming them since conception, and it is amazing to see how He continues to guide their growth within me. This baby girl is such a miracle, simply look at how she has been formed and how can you deny that?  Every time I look at these pictures I thank God for the wonderful gift He has granted us: our precious baby girl.

 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!

Psalm 139:13-17


Jude 8 Months

Happy 3/4 Birthday Jude!

Jude is such a happy little boy, as shown in the pictures. He loves to laugh and smile, especially in the mornings, and he is quite the talker, he loves to explore all the ranges and volumes of his voice. At the same time he is very curious and observant, this usually comes out around new people and in new places. When he is in his observant mood, he becomes serious, quiet and just watches everything going on around him.

Even though Jude doesn't crawl yet, I can tell he is going to keep me busy once he does! He is constantly reaching for everything seemingly within reach, especially things he's not supposed to have (for example: our phones, the wireless keyboard, etc.). But he will cuddle with Mom when he doesn't feel good or when he is tired, which I love!

Jude now has both of his front bottom teeth, and you can sure tell when he bites on your finger! He still loves to eat, and is becoming more acquainted with normal people food; he doesn't have any favorites, just whatever you are feeding him at the time :).

As far as games go, he recently discovered peek-a-boo, so that is always a hit. Other than that anything where you are clapping his hands, making noise, or tickling him goes over really well.

Jude you bring us such joy, we are so blessed to be able to watch you grow and develop more everyday!