
Chicks Have Arrived!

Yesterday we received 27 chicks in the mail (13 red stars + 1 extra they threw in, 12 black australorps, & 1 rare exotic). 

Here is their new home for at least 3-4 weeks until they grow enough to not be in immediate danger of every dog, cat, and coyote that passes them by.  This is the side of the barn that had all the doors in it, so you can see it has made quite a bit of progress.  The tires on top are to keep any curious kitties out of their reach.

I thought some of you might want to know how we ended up with chickens.  Well, it all started because I decided that I was going to do a more extensive garden than the one I attempted last year.  After that had been in the process of discussion as to what I would need and kinds of veggies I wanted to get etc. my friend also suggested chickens.  The more we talked about it, the more fun it sounded. I knew though that taking on a full blown garden and chickens for the first in the same year would be a bit much for me.  I really wanted to do a garden and the chicken sounded really fun too, so to decide I asked Josiah, chickens or garden.  His answer in a whole 3 seconds was chickens, so chickens it is.  

As they grow and as work on the barn continues I will do my best to post at least a few pictures. On a side note, there is no duck L. By the time the chickens were about to arrive the feed store in town that sold chickens, ducks, geese, etc. wasn’t selling them anymore. Maybe next year.

This is a Happy Chick Raising basket my friend gave to me. It contains an egg collecting basket, gloves and brush for cleaning eggs, and hand sanitizer. It makes me all excited for when they start laying!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! I love the egg gathering basket. Your chickens are adorable. Brings back lots of memories of the turkeys.

  2. those look super cute - i love them! I can still hear their little high pitched 'cheeps' :) hehe they're so soft and fuzzy too!
